Desk Job Woes: When Sedentary Habits Signal a Need for Physical Therapy

Desk job

Sitting at a desk for prolonged hours has become a norm in today’s digital lifestyle. Technology’s convenience has revolutionized how we work, but with it come health risks associated with prolonged desk job habits. Whether you’re crunching numbers, writing reports, or attending virtual meetings, the sedentary nature of desk jobs eventually takes a toll on your body. This blog post focuses on the health concerns caused by a sedentary work life and how physical therapy can help prevent and alleviate them.

Persistent Neck and Lower Back Pain

Do you know that according to a survey published in the (IJOHS) International Journal of Health Sciences & Research, 76 percent of working adults (between the ages of 30 and 60) with desk jobs suffer from lower back pain?

Similarly, the prevalence of developing neck pain is equally common in working professionals with desk jobs. Studies show that immediate neck pain prevalence is 38.1 percent. Likewise, around 45.8 percent may experience neck pain throughout the year, while 62.1 percent may have to live with it for a lifetime unless treatment is sought.

If you have a desk job and a sedentary lifestyle, you could be at a high risk of lower back or neck pain. It’s usually because of poor posture or muscle imbalances. It’s vital to understand that a static seated position for extended periods strains the spine and supporting muscles. The body undergoes stress as muscles, particularly those in the back and neck, become strained and fatigued. Slouching or hunching over a desk disrupts the spine’s natural alignment, increasing pressure on intervertebral discs. Hence, poor posture results in misalignment and discomfort.

Over time, this sedentary routine weakens muscles, leading to stiffness and pain. Recognizing these signs is crucial, as they indicate the need for immediate intervention before it becomes a chronic issue.

Stiff Joints and Reduced Flexibility

Hours spent in a seated position can result in stiff joints and reduced flexibility due to the prolonged lack of movement and muscle engagement. When the body remains static, joints, especially those in the spine, hips, and knees, become less lubricated, leading to stiffness and decreased mobility.

Additionally, muscles surrounding these joints can weaken and tighten. Reduced blood flow and oxygenation exacerbate the problem, causing connective tissues to lose elasticity. This can limit the range of motion, making it challenging to perform basic movements comfortably.

Headaches and Eye Strain

Staring at the screen for extended periods is a common precursor to headaches and eye strain, a condition often called computer vision syndrome (CVS). The eyes are not naturally equipped for prolonged screen exposure, leading to various symptoms. The bright, artificial light emitted by screens can cause eye fatigue, dryness, and irritation. Prolonged focusing on a screen may also result in digital eye strain, characterized by headaches, blurred vision, and difficulty focusing on near or distant objects. Frequent blinking, necessary for lubricating the eyes, decreases, intensifying discomfort.

Weakened Core Muscles

The core muscles, like the back and abdominal muscles, become underutilized, leading to atrophy and decreased strength. As a result, maintaining proper spinal alignment becomes challenging, and stability is compromised.

Other health problems that you may experience include:

  • Increased Cardiovascular Risk: Prolonged sitting is linked to poor blood circulation and elevated risks of heart disease.
  • Weight Gain and Metabolic Issues: Sedentary behavior leads to decreased calorie burn, contributing to weight gain and metabolic problems.
  • Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs):Performing repetitive desk tasks can cause RSIs like carpal tunnel syndrome, affecting muscles and tendons.

All these health and musculoskeletal problems triggered by desk jobs and prolonged sitting hours need immediate intervention. This is where physical therapy can help.

Physical therapy is a multifaceted solution for desk job-related health conditions. It targets issues such as stiff joints and reduced flexibility by introducing tailored exercises that promote joint mobility. Similarly, eye exercises and ergonomic recommendations are made for headaches and eye strain. Weakened core muscles are strengthened with targeted workouts, improving posture and stability. Repetitive strain injuries are addressed through ergonomic adjustments and exercises. It includes a combination of exercises to strengthen and correct posture.

Wrapping Up

Physical therapy offers a holistic approach, mitigating the adverse effects of sedentary desk work while promoting overall well-being. So, what are you waiting for? Restore optimal body functioning and health with LUX Concierge Physical Therapy. Dr. Jordan Dubow can offer a personalized physical therapy program to alleviate pain and improve overall physical well-being. Schedule a consultation now.

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